Melhores Lugares Para Trabalhar em Portugal 2024 - VER

Autoridade global em cultura de ambiente de trabalho

Impulsionamos empresas com a nossa metodologia e plataforma Saas, em todo o mundo. Reconhecemos as empresas com a Certificação™ mais cobiçada do mercado e a lista Best Workplaces™. A lista mais disputada por empresas em todo o mundo. Tudo isto, através de dados exclusivos sobre a experiência dos colaboradores, partilhados por eles próprios. 

Pronto para criar um excelente lugar para trabalhar? A jornada começa aqui


Hero A


Melhores Lugares para Trabalhar Portugal

Conheça as 50 empresas
Best Workplaces™ 2024 em Portugal



Perguntas Frequentes

Metodologia dos serviços, Critérios dos reconhecimentos

O que é a Great Place To Work®?

A Great Place To Work® é a autoridade global na cultura do local de trabalho. Em Portugal desde 2000, fomos os pioneiros na Europa.

Há 20 anos que a GPTW® acompanha toda a Experiência do Colaborador e os comportamentos das Lideranças das empresas de perto. Através do mais completo questionário sobre clima organizacional (Trust Index©) e o dossier de práticas das empresas (Culture Audit©) podemos dizer que o Employee Experience pode gerar mais receita e colocar a sua empresa como líder de mercado, aumentando a motivação dos seus colaboradores.

No mundo inteiro ajudamos a pesquisar os seus colaboradores, a avaliar os seus resultados, identificar as lacunas e melhorar a sua cultura no local de trabalho através da nossa consultoria de gestão.

Os nossos planos de formação, consultoria e reconhecimento são os únicos diretamente planeados através do feedback que o colaborador proporciona ao responder livremente ao questionário.

A minha empresa pode ser Certified™?

Sim, se cumprir os seguintes critérios:

  • Têm mais de 10 colaboradores
  • Atingir a amostra (número mínimo de respostas): amostra é um cálculo estatístico, realizado para cada empresa de acordo com o número de colaboradores.
  • Obter um Trust Index© (média das 60 afirmações do GPTW® Model©) superior ou igual a 65% (0 a 100%) no survey aos colaboradores.
  • Preencher o Culture Brief©: com informações sobre a empresa de natureza quantitativa, como natureza jurídica, repartição demográfica dos colaboradores e benefícios.

A minha empresa pode candidatar-se aos Best Workplaces™?

À partida, todas as empresas que:

  • Já sejam Certified™
  • Têm mais de 20 colaboradores
  • Preencham o dossier de práticas (Culture Audit©) para ser alvo da nossa auditoria
  • Superaram os restantes concorrentes, obtendo a nota mais alta, na ponderação da nota do Trust Index© e da avaliação do Culture Audit©.

Assim que a sua empresa é certificada pela Great Place to Work®, fica automaticamente elegível (sem custos adicionais) para as listas dos Melhores Lugares Para Trabalhar em Portugal, Europa e no Mundo. E para os 5 prémios sociais: Revelação, Desenvolvimento Humano, Cultura For All™, Comunidade e Qualidade de Vida. Todo este processo de candidatura e auditoria tem o apoio dos consultores GPTW®. Fale connosco e fique a par de tudo!

Como são selecionados os Best Workplaces™

As empresas são selecionadas com base na nossa Metodologia. As empresas com melhores resultados concorrem entre si, e apenas as melhores das melhores são selecionadas para constarem do ranking Melhores Lugares para Trabalhar. Sendo que 75% da avaliação corresponde à média das respostas dos colaboradores ao questionário, e 25% às práticas da organização.

E se a minha empresa concorrer não obter nota para estar na lista?

Em primeiro lugar, fique descansado! É perfeitamente normal. Muitas empresas concorrem e não obtém os valores necessários para constarem do ranking, ou sequer, obter a certificação. Porém nada têm a perder, pois a sua empresa fica com um diagnóstico completo do estado atual do clima organizacional da sua empresa, e isso, é o mais importante uma vez que identifica o que você precisa de melhorar internamente.

Concorrer aos reconhecimentos é um serviço muito além de receber o selo.

O diagnóstico completo sobre o feedback dos colaboradores é extremamente útil, pois o relatório contém as demografias pois o relatório contém as variáveis demográficas principais, as análises e pontos de melhoria, que podem ajudar o seu negócio a crescer. Quando a sua empresa estiver pronta, concorra de novo!

A Great Place To Work® é apenas um ranking?

A Great Place To Work® dedica-se maioritariamente à consultoria de gestão aplicada aos recursos humanos, pois esse é o ponto fulcral para se criar um verdadeiro Melhor Lugar para Trabalhar, aliado a esta consultoria fornecemos também planos de formação para capacitar os colaboradores e os líderes.

Muitos clientes da Great Place To Work® opta por não utilizar o reconhecimento de Certificação™ ou não quer concorrer à lista Best Workplaces™, mas recorrem ao nosso questionário e ao plano de consultoria personalizado, fazendo a sua caminhada para se tornarem melhores.

Como funciona a consultoria em cultura?

Todos os planos de consultoria são devidamente personalizados.

Todas as empresas têm diferentes demandas que precisam ser ouvidas, por isso o primeiro passo é realizar o questionário.

Seguindo os critérios presentes na nossa metodologia, a consultoria é aplicada e monitorizada para que a caminhada da sua empresa siga no rumo certo. A partir daí podemos desenvolver planos de EVP, Well Being, Employer Branding... e muito mais. Fale connosco e conheça tudo sobre Consultoria e Formação.

A GPTW® faz pesquisa de clima organizacional?

Sim, temos o questionário mais completo e fiável do mercado, bem como, um software de pesquisa próprio. Em Portugal todos os clientes terão acesso ao Emprising™ durante o ano de 2023. Fale connosco e conheça mais sobre o nosso questionário.

Os prémios GPTW® têm custo?

Não, nenhum prémio GPTW® tem um custo agregado. Apenas o acesso às nossas ferramentas tem custo associado, todos os prémios são consequência dos resultados das organizações.  Saiba como funciona a jornada de reconhecimento

Vamos começar a transformar a sua organização?

Temos vários especialistas prontos para ajudar


Great Place to Work® Institute, Inc.
Intellectual Property Usage


This Intellectual Property Policy is intended to help create, maintain, and enforce the Intellectual Property used by a Client Company, Network Affiliate, or Partner of GPTW and is incorporated by reference into their respective Agreements. Please contact GPTW at Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar. for any matters related to the use of GPTW Intellectual Property.

1. Usage and Protection of Trademarks/Service Marks

1.1. A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol, shape, sound, color or even smell, which identifies that a product or service comes from a particular company and helps distinguish it from products and services provided by other companies. When a trademark appears in print, they must by distinguished from other words ad identified as a trademark. A trademark must always be used as a proper adjective and must be followed by a generic descriptor that ends in a noun that is pertinent and approved for the trademark.

1.2. GPTW strategic trademarks are the phrase GREAT PLACE TO WORK® and our logo containing the phrase GREAT PLACE TO WORK® in a Red Box (the “Logo”). We have also used on a more limited basis our Logo containing the phrase GREAT PLACE TO WORK® in a black colored box. GPTW strategic trademarks are key elements of our brand identity. Their consistent usage enhances marketplace recognition.

1.3. GPTW non-strategic trademarks, which vary by country, include and are not limited to, translations and cultural adaptations of the phrase GREAT PLACE TO WORK, the visual works of art referred to as the “little people icons” that represent each dimension of the employee view of the Great Place To Work® Model and the graphics that represent the employee and management view, respectively, of the Great Place to Work® Model. GPTW has also developed trademarks for use in connection with specific Lists and other projects, including GIFTWORK® and JOURNEYTM Training.

1.4. GPTW registers trademarks trademark may be registered with a country’s Trademark Office in a specific class of goods or services such as class 35 – consulting services (surveys and workplace assessment), class 41 – educational services (conferences, workshops, training), and class 16 – printed material (books, best practices guides), and all in the field of human resources.

1.5. There are different symbols used to identify a trademark. The superscript ™ trademark notice should appear next to trademarks that are not yet registered. The ® trademark notice is used in place of TM when the mark has received official registration and certification from a country’s Trademark Office, or on materials published in another country where the ® notice is already in use (that is primarily, any materials coming from the United States or indicating as their place of origin the United States, or any materials from another Company, Network Affiliate, or Partner that is based in a country in which the trademarks have been officially registered). Please refer to the Listing of Worldwide Trademark Status to confirm the countries, and their related materials, in which the ® should be used versus the ™. Registrations have been issued in many countries, but if you are in doubt please contact GPTW at Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar. for assistance and the current status of any trademark.

1.6. The proper notice should be used whenever the phrase “GREAT PLACE TO WORK®” is used as a brand name, for example “Great Place To Work® Advisory and Consulting Services” or “Great Place To Work® Conferences and Workshops.” Follow the specific instructions in the Brand Identity Policy and the current Brand Guide for use of notice in PowerPoint Presentations, Reports and Websites.

1.7. The words in our mark are protected no matter in what form they appear, but they are protected as a reflection of our brand, not as a descriptive phrase. However, in addition to displaying trademark notices, it is also recommended to distinguish the GREAT PLACE TO WORK® mark from surrounding text by displaying it in headings, in all capital letters and/or in a distinct typeface, color or size. Whenever you choose to display or write our mark the “®” symbol must always accompany “Great Place To Work®” when used to indicate our brand. To avoid confusion with the phrase “great place to work,” which is descriptive, we suggest that you use the phrase great workplace as an alternative. If we use our brand name as a descriptive phrase, then we weaken our trademark protection.

1.8. It is the responsibility of a Company, Network Affiliate, or Partner of GPTW to take reasonable steps necessary to properly represent and protect the mark GREAT PLACE TO WORK® as a registered trademark of the Great Place to Work® Institute, Inc. If usages of and/or references to the GPTW mark that occur (anywhere inside or outside of GPTW’s work) are sighted, it is the responsibility of the Company, Network Affiliate, or Partner to notify GPTW immediately at Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar. and to provide documentation if possible as to where the GPTW mark has appeared.

1.9. Do not show the GPTW Logo in any color other than red or black. Never reverse to white. Do not link any text to the left, right, or top of the Logo. Do not use more than one Logo per page. Do not use the Logo with, or as part of, another logo or symbol or create a logo-like graphic that competes with the Logo. Do not use the Logo in headlines or sentences. Do not enclose the Logo in a shape. Do not rotate, invert, spin, angle or pivot the Logo. Do not skew, bevel, fold, dimensionalize, stretch, add a drop shadow or otherwise alter the shape of the Logo. The Logo may not used by a third party without a license.

1.10. The local media agency responsible for publishing a List may, at the discretion of the Network Affiliate, include its logo on the letter inviting the companies to participate in a Best Companies competition but they may not put their logo on other materials without the prior written approval of GPTW and they may not put their logo on the Trust Index survey or Culture Audit or Culture Brief.

1.11 All copies of materials in whatever format (print or non-print) consisting of or related to a speech, presentation, proposal, report, advertisement, marketing collateral, product, web pages, or document that contains all or any part of GPTW copyrighted subject matter or output derived from GPTW Intellectual Property (e.g. Data) must include the following paragraph in easily readable font and color in the introduction (or, if that is not reasonably feasible, then in a footnote or footer on the cover or first page):

Great Place To Work®, the Great Place To Work Logo®, (and any other GPTW trademarks used) are trademarks of Great Place To Work Institute Inc. claimed as such and/or registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office and elsewhere. All other brand and product names are trademarks of their respective holders. Any use of GPTW trademarks requires prior written approval from GPTW. GPTW can be reached by e-mail at Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar..

1.12 The list of GPTW trademarks includes:

Great Place To Work® or GREAT PLACE TO WORK® not great place to work

Red Box DESIGN® (upper or lower right side of Logo)


Great Place To Work For All™

For All™

Best Workplaces™

Great Workplaces™

High Trust Culture Consulting℠

Certification Nation™

Great Place To Work-Certified™

Great Place To Work DESIGN™ (Certification Badge) (upper or lower right side of Logo)

Trust Index™

Culture Audit™

Culture Brief™

Dimension Icons™





Innovation Velocity™

Innovation By All™

Better for Business, Better for People, Better for the World™

Best Workplaces for Women™

Best Workplaces for Diversity™

Best Workplaces for Millennials™

World’s Best Workplaces™

World’s Best Workplaces DESIGN™







2. Usage and Protection of Copyrighted Materials

2.1. Every speech or presentation, proposal, report, and/or other document that contains any of our intellectual property and/or used any of our intellectual property in order to create the outcome for distribution, must contain the following at the bottom of each and every page: “Copyright ©2018 Great Place To Work® Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.” (Note: the year must be changed to reflect revisions.)

2.2. When using all or any part of questions and/or statements from the GPTW copyrighted subject matter, the text must appear with quote marks around it. (For example, referring to Great Place To Work® Trust Index© question 32, “People here are treated fairly…”)

2.3. A Company, Network Affiliate or GPTW Partner may, at its own expense, develop Derivative Works based on GPTW Intellectual Property. Any Derivative Works shall be subject to the written approval of GPTW prior to any use. GPTW shall be the sole owner of all rights in and to any Derivative Works created and any and all elements thereof including any and all copyrights therein. A Derivative Work is defined by US Copyright Law and means a work based on one or more preexisting works, including translations, condensations, abridgments, presentations or any work that utilizes an existing work and then recasts, transforms, or adapts, including by editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications.

2.4. All copies of materials in whatever format (print or non-print) consisting of or related to a speech, presentation, proposal, report, or other document that contains all or any part of GPTW copyrighted subject matter or output derived from GPTW Intellectual Property (e.g. Data) must include the following paragraph in easily readable size font and color in the introduction (or, if that is not reasonably feasible, then in a footnote or footer on the cover or first page):

This material is comprised of intellectual property owned by Great Place To Work® Institute, Inc. (“GPTW”), including copyrightable subject matter that has been noticed as such and/or registered with the United States Copyright Office. Any reproduction, distribution, transmission, adaptation, public display or public performance of the intellectual property (other than for preapproved internal purposes) requires prior written approval from GPTW. GPTW can be reached by e-mail at Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar..

2.5. The list of GPTW copyrights includes:

Great Place To Work® Survey©

Great Place To Work® Database©

Great Place To Work® Trust Index©

Great Place To Work® Culture Audit©

Great Place To Work® Culture Brief©

Great Place To Work® Model©

Great Place To Work® Methodology©

Great Place To Work® 2019 100 Best Methodology©

Great Place To Work® Best Workplaces for Women Methodology©

Great Place To Work® Best Workplaces for Diversity Methodology©

Great Place To Work® Best Workplaces for Millennials Methodology©

Great Place To Work® Certification and Lists Methodology©

Great Place To Work® World’s Best Workplaces Methodology©

Great Place To Work® For All©

Beyond Best Practices©

Beyond Best Practices, Trust as the Key to High Performance Workplace ©

Creating a Great Place to Work©

360 Trust Appraisal©

Great Place to Work® Culture Audit©

Transformation Roadmap©


3. Consequences of Not Following the GPTW Intellectual Property Policy

3.1. Failure to protect GPTW Intellectual Property as put forth in this Policy is a breach of the Network Affiliate or Partner Agreement.

3.2. It is prohibited to use, register, or include a GPTW trademark or copyright in any part of a Company or Partner’s company, product, or service name. It is also prohibited for a Company or Partner to use or register a domain name or create any social media account, username, page, group, or handle that includes any GPTW trademark or copyright in a way that is likely to cause confusion with consumers or the public as to whether the account, username, page, group, or handle is affiliated with or sponsored by GPTW.

3.3. If others in the marketplace have access and are using GPTW Intellectual Property without authorization, the GPTW unique business and offerings will become commonplace and lose their protection.

3.4. It if is known that others are using GPTW Intellectual Property and the improper and/or illegal usage is allowed to continue, unacceptable behavior is inadvertently becoming acceptable behavior which it is not.

3.5. If a Company, Network Affiliate, or Partner of GPTW does not protect the GPTW Intellectual Property, nobody else will do it for us. Competitors are becoming more eager to weaken the GPTW Intellectual Property so that it becomes commonplace and then they can rightfully use it. As the GPTW Brand continues to grow, so will a Competitor’s boldness of using the GPTW Brand for their own profit.

3.6. For each individual usage that exists (to our observable knowledge) that is not in accordance with GPTW Intellectual Property Policy, we will be playing a part in the damage to our own business. A damage that will only compound upon every single usage. The worst-case scenario is that the damages compound and we are either involved in a costly lawsuit trying to “win” back what was once GPTW materials, or worse yet, we are out-of-business because GPTW Intellectual Property has become commonplace.

3.7. Permission for some uses of GPTW Intellectual Property should be denied if it would harm GPTW business interests and/or create a derivative work based on our materials that would diminish GPTW’s ability to create and market our own similar work.

October 1, 2018


Online User Conduct Guidelines

Great Place to Work® Institute, Inc. (“GPTW”) wishes to provide opportunities to exchange information and ideas that help companies and the community at large build great workplaces. You can comment on an article posted on a GPTW website (the “Site”) or you can participate in social media websites – including, but not limited to, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn – by clicking on a link from the Site.

Compliance with Law & with Terms of Use

If you choose to post a comment or participate in social media, you agree to comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including, without limitation, intellectual property laws and privacy laws.

You also agree to comply with the Terms & Conditions that govern the Site.

Additionally, you agree to comply with the term and conditions that are posted on the relevant social media website – such as Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.

If there is any inconsistency between these Online User Conduct Guidelines (the “Guidelines”) and the Terms & Conditions posted on the Site, you agree that these GPTW Guidelines shall take precedence.  Similarly, if there is any inconsistency between these Guidelines and any terms posted by Facebook or any other social media website, you agree that these GPTW Guidelines shall take precedence.

Please note that in the rare case that users violate our Guidelines, they will be sent a warning, and if necessary, will be banned from further posting.

User Content

You understand and agree that all text, graphics, software, music, sound, photographs, videos, messages, posts, data, information, or other materials (collectively, the "User Content") is the sole responsibility of the person with whom the User Content originated. Therefore, you are responsible for all User Content that you post, disseminate or transmit.

You will post honestly and in good faith and with the intention to inform and promote discussion. Users who cause disruption are not welcome. If we believe you are posting with the intent to cause disruption or harm, you will be barred from making further postings.

You agree not to:

(1) post or disseminate any User Content that is unlawful, harassing, defamatory, abusive, threatening, obscene, harmful, tortious, libelous, or invasive of another's privacy;

(2) post or disseminate any User Content that infringes or violates any party's copyright, trademark, trade secret, patent, or other proprietary right, including, but not limited to, using third party copyrighted materials without appropriate permission or attribution, using third party trademarks without appropriate permission or attribution, and using or distributing third party information (whether or not protected as a trade secret) in violation of a duty of confidentiality;

(3) post or disseminate any worms, viruses, or other harmful, disruptive, or destructive files, code, or programs;

(4) post or disseminate any advertising, promotional materials, chain letters, spam, junk mail, or any other type of unsolicited mass e-mail to people or entities that have not agreed to be part of such mailings;

(5) impersonate any person or entity; falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with any person or entity; intentionally omit, delete, forge, or misrepresent transmission information, including headers, return mailing, and Internet protocol addresses; or otherwise manipulate identifiers to disguise the origin of any User Content transmitted;

(6) post or disseminate any User Content you do not have the right to post, disseminate, or transmit;

(7) disrupt the normal flow of dialogue or otherwise act in a manner that negatively affects other users' ability to engage in real-time exchanges;

(8) interfere with, disrupt, or harm in any way the Site or servers or networks connected to the Site;

(9) attack the character or damage the reputation of other users, name-call, insult, ridicule, mock, electronically stalk or otherwise harass another user;

(10) insult, attack, belittle, or ridicule the beliefs and life choices of other users;

(11) collect or store personal data about other users;

(12) engage in any activities that would violate the personal privacy rights of others, including but not limited to collecting and distributing information about other users without their permission, except as permitted by applicable law;

(13) use the Site for any illegal purpose;

(14) post the first and last name or any other identifying information of any individual, including without limitation, where they work, or the exact address where they live, unless you have his or her permission; notwithstanding this guideline, if you are posting factual information about a company, you may include the full name(s) of individuals and their job titles and locations, on condition that your post is accurate and not defamatory;

(15) forward or post private messages that someone has sent you unless you have his/her written permission; or

(16)  select a screen name that is vulgar or obscene or that misrepresents you to other users;


(17) You are welcome to post photos, as long as they are consistent with all of our Guidelines and provided that you have obtained written consent from the photographer and from any person who is depicted.

Other Websites

(18) You may mention, link to or discuss other websites that are of interest to users, provided that websites to which you link or refer are consistent with our Guidelines.

Violations of these Guidelines

(1) If you violate these Guidelines, your actions may result in either a warning, a suspension, or permanent banning from participation in the Site.

(2) Banning is done at GPTW's discretion and is the result of our sole judgment of a user's demonstrated inability or disinclination to follow our Guidelines.

User Content/Correspondence

You acknowledge that GPTW does not generally prescreen User Content, but that GPTW and its designees shall have the right (but not the obligation) in their sole discretion to edit, refuse, remove, or move any User Content. GPTW and its designees will have the right to remove any User Content that GPTW considers, in its sole discretion, objectionable, whether for legal or for other reasons.

You acknowledge and agree that GPTW may preserve User Content and may also disclose User Content if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such preservation or disclosure is reasonably necessary to (a) comply with legal process; (b) respond to claims that any User Content violates the rights of third parties; or (c) protect the rights, property, or personal safety of GPTW, its users, and the public. 

Details regarding our use of personally identifiable information included in User Content are set out in our Privacy Policy.

By posting User Content to the Site or by transmitting User Content using the Site, you (1) represent and warrant to GPTW that you have obtained all necessary licenses, consents, waivers, releases, authorizations and/or permissions to post or transmit the User Content; and (2) grant to GPTW an irrevocable, worldwide, nonexclusive, perpetual, fully sub-licensable, royalty-free right and license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, transmit, publicly perform, and publicly display such User Content (in whole or part) and/or to incorporate it (in whole or in part) in other works in any form, media, or technology now known or later developed.

You acknowledge that the Site contains the opinions and views of other users for which GPTW is not responsible. You acknowledge further that GPTW is not responsible for the accuracy of any User Content posted on the Site. You understand and agree that you shall evaluate, and bear all risks associated with the use of any User Content, including any reliance on the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of such User Content.

Any comments, materials, or letters sent by you to GPTW regarding the Site, including, without limitation, questions, comments, suggestions, criticisms, or the like shall be deemed to be non-confidential and free of any claims of proprietary or personal rights unless you explicitly state in the correspondence that the material (i) is "not for publication" and (ii) contains "private and proprietary" information that may not be distributed. GPTW will have no obligation of any kind with respect to materials that you do not restrict and GPTW will be free to reproduce, use, disclose, exhibit, publicly display, transform, edit, abridge, create derivative works from, and/or distribute materials that you do not restrict. You also acknowledge that what you post may be indexed by search engines such as Yahoo or Google. Furthermore, GPTW is free to use any ideas, concepts, know-how, or techniques contained in any communication you send to GPTW, for any purpose whatsoever, without compensation or any other obligations to anyone, including yourself.

Storage of Content

You agree that GPTW may establish, in its sole discretion and without prior notice to you, a maximum amount of storage space for User Content maintained, disseminated, or transmitted through the Site. You agree that GPTW has no responsibility or liability for the deletion of or failure to store any messages, communications, or other User Content maintained, disseminated, or transmitted through the Site.

Your Contact with Third Parties

Your dealings with third parties found on or through the Site are solely between you and the third party. GPTW does not make any representations or warranties with respect to any goods or services that may be obtained from such third parties, and you agree that GPTW will have no liability with respect to any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of any dealings between you and any third party, or as a result of the presence of such third parties on the Site.


You agree that GPTW may, in its sole discretion, and at any time, terminate your use of the Site, and may remove or delete any or all of your User Content from the Site, without prior notice to you for any reason that GPTW, in its sole discretion, deems appropriate. You further agree that GPTW will not be liable to you or to any third party for the consequences of any termination of your use of or access to the Site. In the event of any termination of your use of or access to the Site, you agree that the provisions regarding intellectual property rights, indemnification, disclaimers, warranties, limitations of liability, and applicable law shall survive any such termination.


These Online User Content Guidelines are posted on GPTW’s affiliate websites in numerous jurisdictions around the world and in numerous languages.  If you are not fluent in the language you are reading, please visit the website of the Great Place to Work® affiliate in the country in which the language is spoken in which you are most comfortable.  For questions use the “CONTACT US” feature.

Last Modified:  June 9, 2011

Líderes de mercado confiam na Great Place to Work®


Líderes em Cultura organizacional

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Plataforma digital de pesquisa

Chegamos as empresas providenciando o mais robusto questionário de satisfação, através de uma plataforma digital, que propociona de forma confidencial e anónima a todos os colaboradores a oportunidade de expressar a sua opinião.

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Um Programa de reconhecimento Mundial

Reconhecemos as empresas Best Workplaces™ com base na opinião dos colaboradores em Portugal e ao redor do mundo. Além disso, reconhecemos categorias individuais através dos prémios sociais.

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Benchmark de práticas

Dispomos de um Benchmark com dados comparativos das melhores práticas de empresas líderes em todo o mundo.

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Metodologia de pesquisa comprovada

A nossa pesquisa Trust Index© é efetuada por milhões de colaboradores todos os anos e o nosso Trust Model® orienta pesquisas sobre a cultura no ambiente de trabalho há décadas.

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Décadas de experiência

20 anos em Portugal e mais de 30 anos de experiência em pesquisa e consultoria de cultura em todo o mundo.

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Praticamos aquilo que vendemos

Somos pessoas focadas nos negócios, numa empresa focada na missão. Sabemos o que é necessário, porque o vivemos!